In addition to programs in natural history so that visitors of all ages can appreciate, respect and be inspired by the park’s beauty and biodiversity, we fund infrastructure to improve safety and contribute to the environmental health of the park.

Most recently completed:
Replaced the braided rug in the kitchen
Purchased and installed protective netting for new redwood trees
Purchased and installed a beefy bench in the garden area
Purchased and helped plant 3 redwood trees and 4 Chinese pistache trees around the lawn area
Purchased chest waders for use by Americorps on the pond restoration work
Added native iris plants & irrigation to the area around the visitor center
Built and installed a turtle raft in the pond
Planted wisteria along the split rail fence along the lawn
Added drought-resistant and native plants / shrubberies near the Visitor Center to improve the natural beauty of the area.
Replaced the apple trees and protective fencing that were crushed by the falling eucalyptus in the orchard
Ongoing removal of poison oak near trails
Funding for the Quail Hollow Nest Box project website.
Refinished the picnic tables next to the visitor center
Provided 3 cedar benches for the garden
Purchased hardware to use to remove invasive plants from the pond
Trimmed 4 truckloads of dead branches from the ~90 year old apple tree next to the visitor center.
Funded new 8′ tall fences, to partially block the view of the dumpsters and porta-potty from the visitor center. Volunteers were led by Ralph Miljanich (Volunteer of the Year 2022), and included Tim Jolly, Lee Summers, Jeff Ustick, Richard James, and Jim Bahn. We purchased and planted climbing vines to complete the project.
Purchased county-logo’d fleece jackets for visitor-facing docents and for volunteers who completed 500 hours of service.
Collaborated with county parks maintenance and the trail crew to add 32 new trail signs, to make it easier for new visitors to find their way on our 4.5 miles of trails.
Collaborated with county parks maintenance and the trail crew to plant 9 apple trees and supporting infrastructure, in the orchard just north of the visitor center.
An impressive Garden Design Plan was donated. Friends purchased the plantings and materials, and participated in implementing the new plantings, borders, ground cover, etc. Recently added more plants, including deer-proof pots around the walkway.
Purchased split rail fencing material for the trail crew for use on the Discovery trail.
Worked with Granite Rock to install large rock barriers on Quail Hollow road trailhead to discourage off-road vehicles from entering park trails. Currently working with Park Department to get new signage preventing motorized vehicles on trails
Sponsored Americorps teams to remove extensive old barbed wire from trails and construct new wooden fence along Quail Hollow Road perimeter and at the far southern end of the Discovery trail.
Provided and hand tools, tickets to Monterey Bay Aquarium, and meals for Americorps teams working on annual park maintenance and cleanup projects.
Paid for the installation of safety hand railings at entrance to the Visitor Center.
Purchased and installed new brochure rack in visitor center.
Paid for building wooden notice box installed at park entrance.
Installed a collection box in Visitor Center to encourage donations to the park.
Sponsored building of 2 new taxidermy boxes for animal specimens in the Visitor Center.
Manned table for Quail Hollow at Earth Days in Santa Cruz.
Planned and On-going Projects include:
Provide funds for enhancing and renovating the visitor center
Support the construction of the Pace Trail in 2025
Contribute refreshments to volunteer projects
Volunteer at the Redwood Mountain Fair to raise money for Quail Hollow.
Help maintain the health of the plants and orchard around the Visitor Center
Provide funding to upgrade the look and feel and content of the educational exhibits in the Visitor Center.
Help coordinate and publicize annual Granite Rock Quail Hollow Fundraiser.
Advocate for Quail Hollow Park at County budgeting sessions.
Help sponsor learning events around maintaining the new apple trees (pruning, grafting, etc).
Watch this space for news and updates!